August 15, 2009

I had a c-section and got my tubes tied at the same time is it possible to become pregnant at all?

Yes, obviously. Where do you think people come from? If it weren't possible to get pregnant, the human race would have died out millions of years ago. What were you thinking?

The really sad thing is, you started your question by saying you've had a C-Section. You only get a C-Section if you're pregnant! You must be one of those stork-believing lunatics, pretending to be a formerly pregnant woman. Yeah, we've all heard your "testimonials" of people who got pregnant, only to have the swelling disappear nine months later and have a bird deliver their baby. Absurd nonsense.

For too long, Pregnancy Deniers have been allowed to post leading questions on wiki answers. Federal government, I'm calling on you to put a stop to this depraved practice.

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