August 28, 2009

How did Percy Lebron Spencer die? Fan Submission

Excellent question! The case of Percy Lebron Spencer is perhaps
the most interesting in all examples of stigmatic twins (other cases
include Abraham Lincoln’s lesser known brother Fred and Anne Frank’s
German collaborator sister Nancy). The problem of stigmatic twins
(twins who feel each other’s pain, for the lay person) was largely
unknown until Lindsay Lohan’s recent film (based on true events) I
Know Who Killed Me (IKWKM). This film brought to light the medical
establishment’s inability to deal with this growing problem (the film
has also started a strong global movements for the rights of stigmatic
twins). Percy and his brother Lionel were separated at birth and led
radically separate lives. But on the night of May 22, 1968, Lionel
was killed in the Student riots that erupted across Paris. These
riots proved inconvenient for Percy who’s family was forced to watch
him be beaten by mysterious forces while enjoying a quiet dinner with
his wife and children. Percy’s death was covered up by his
conservative in-laws because inexplicable flailing was considered a
symptom of homosexuality at the time.

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