August 15, 2009

What if you call a guy before he calls you especially when he said he'd definitly call and didnt?

This gets at the heart of an incredibly common misconception among women: guys don't like to be called after hooking up. Nothing could be further from the truth. Getting a call after a hookup is the biggest complement a guy can receive. It says, I wasn't faking it, I really dig you, and I want you again. Every guy loves that.

But the guy in question didn't call you, even though he promised he would. I say, give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he's been too busy. Maybe his grandmother died. Maybe he was mobbed by homeless people on his way to saving an orphan from certain death. Anything could have happened.

So go for it, ring him first. What guys love above all else is attention. Pay him as much attention as possible at the beginning of the dating process. Complement his clothing. When he wears a new shirt, point it out and praise his purchase. Show an interest in his life by calling him often. Search his facebook page for relevant information that you can casually insert into your conversations. My second wife got my attention by asking me about a five-year old picture of me partying in college. After that, sparks flew.

So, don't be concerned that the guy will think you're a stalker. Guys love that.

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