August 16, 2009

Name a real contemporary problem where the status quo is lined up against something that is in favor of something that is unjust?

No problem! I'll use Gun Control.

First, note that the status quo position of many pro-regulation parties is anti-free choice relative to ownership of firearms, even, with some exceptions, universally without regard to strict consitutional bounds. This is in opposition to gun enthusiasts who promote a position arguably contrary to the 14th amendment via a grammatic misconstruction of the 2nd. For the sake of discussion, let's posit the free choice on gun violence position as the more virtious when compared to the status quo, though it's somewhat constitutive of it.

Now, said party's interest run contrary to portions of established law (what we'll use for the status quo) and also against the interest of certain previously aformentioned parties. Naturally, from their point of view, they are the force of justice assembling in the status quo to do battle with those lined up on the side of injustice.

Other examples might include Abortion, Education, Healthcare Reform and FGR's.

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