August 28, 2009

Why are you intimitating to men?

There are several reasons men find me intimidating. The first and most obvious is my towering intellect. It makes men feel inadequate. Often, men will approach me with a one liner like, "how's it going?" or "Hey, aren't you in my math class? What's the homework?" and my witty riposte ("Good until now" and "I'd explain, but you wouldn't understand") makes them cry and beg for mercy.

Second, I'm amazingly good looking. Lots of guys walk up to me and try to start flirting, only to be captivated by my huge, luscious, bouncing breasts. Look, I get it, they're hard not to stare at, especially not when I wear a push up bra that's a full cup size too small. But at least try.

Third, my fashion sense. I'm always sporting the latest styles (often before they catch on), so I always look fantastic. Guys are often scared they'll look like hobos compared to me. They do.

Fourth, I'm a strong independent woman. I have my own opinions about stuff. Like the other day, this guy was trying to say that Obama was a great president. And I was like, uh, no, he's a terrorist hiding in Pakistan! Then he tried to tell me I didn't know anything about politics. And I was like, just cause I'm a woman? Sexist moron.

Finally, men are intimidated by me because I'm better than everyone else. Like, other girls can't keep a man because they're ugly, fat, mean, slutty or jealous. I'm just intimidating. So it's not really my fault, cause I'm awesome. It's everyone else.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure there's no coincidence that so many of these questions have terrible spelling.
