August 15, 2009

My friend and i r in high school and my friend doesnt have a place 2 live but if he lives at my house i have 2 smoke weed so my mom doesnt get...

My friend and i r in high school and my friend doesnt have a place 2 live but if he lives at my house i have 2 smoke weed so my mom doesnt get irritable and kick him out should i smoke so he can stay?

Wow, that's some pretty potent stuff. I mean... damn. Weed so strong that you smoke it and, suddenly, your mother gets mellow. Your entire family's getting baked off your roll. Your dead relatives are toking in Heaven with you. Impressive.

Putting that to the side for one moment, the answer is easy. Smoking the wackytobaccy kills brain cells. Based on the way your wrote your question, I think you need to stop immediately.

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