August 15, 2009

Welcome to Under the Bridge

This is Under the Bridge: the Diary of a WikiTroll.

It's the story of four hopeful young men and their quest for enlightenment and meaning. It includes a cast of thousands, their dogs, their friends, their lives. Its about sharing. About communication. And about incredibly mean-spirited jokes.

Frankly, the premise will become obvious after you read a few answers. Here's what we do:

1. We post on WikiAnswers

2. We only answer unanswered questions

3. We never delete existing answers or in any way remove already existing useful information

4. The more initially plausible sounding the answer the better

5. It must be obvious by the end of the answer that it's a joke. A simple wrong answer isn't good enough.

6. We never advocate any illegal activity or condone cyber-bullying.

Ok, those are the rules. If you want to submit your best WikiAnswer trolling, email us at We'll review your answers and post the best ones. Be sure to include the text of the question and the answer in your email, as well as what you'd like to be called when we post it. Your answer will probably be banned and removed shortly after you post it, so hurry.

The WikiTrolls

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