August 15, 2009

Why are teenagers so careless?

Well, Bob, this question is as old as time itself. For literally thousands of years, the adolescents of the species have been viewed with skepticism, if not outright hostility, by their older compatriots. And their younger compatriots. And compatriots of roughly the same age, but different socio-economic class. And some compatriots of the same socio-economic class and age. But I digress.

The thing is, Bob, Teenagers are on the edge of a very difficult transition. Strange parts of their bodies are expanding and contracting. Hair is popping up new places. Cigarettes are starting to look cool. Heavenly melodies are emerging from horrible music. Everything is suddenly very confusing.

Bob - you don't mind if I call you Bob, do you? Anyway, Bob, Teenagers are just trying to adjust to their rapidly changing reality. That takes so much of their attention that they sometimes forget to look out for the feelings of others.

What can we do? Nothing. Shake our fists at them from the safety of our porches, perhaps. But it never changes anything. All we can really do is tell stories about the good old days, when we were careless. I bet you know some good ones, Bob.

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