The seven deadly sins of hospitality are as follows (based on Mark 3:57b-58c):
1. Lust - lusting after one of your house guests is strictly forbidden by biblical law. This is why so many people in the Bible use tents for entertaining guests. A tent isn't technically one's dwelling, so one is free to be as lecherous as desired.
2. Sloth - sloth in preparing one's house is another deadly sin. This is why people (particularly women) go crazy cleaning before a guest comes over.
3. Wrath - regardless of what offensive, ignorant nonsense comes out of your guests' mouths, you are forbidden by the Bible from smiting them. Modern synonyms for 'smiting' include smacking, trouncing, bending over, and whuppin' upside the head with a frying pan.
4. Greed - never invite more people over than your house can hold. Fraternities, I'm looking at you.
5. Acedia - this is one of the lesser known sins, as it has no direct translation in English. To acediack someone is a deadly sin involving defecation, a house pet and, in the modern day, something similar to a toaster oven. This isn't that relevant anymore, but it was a huge problem in Biblical times.
6. Envy - it is a sin to envy the wife, girlfriend, opposite-sex-live-in-friend, or Godless Slutmuffin that your friend brings to your house. It's also a sin to try to steal his ipod.
7. Nudity - if you know people are coming over, put some clothes on. Seriously. Not that hard.
August 23, 2009
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